Amanda Profile Image

I'm Amanda, and I am a user experience designer.

Based in the Bay Area, California, I have over 10 years experience in the creative industry. Trained at U.C. Berkeley Extension in UX/UI Design, with a background in landscape architecture and visual merchandising, I'm passionate about creating sustainable solutions with a focus on user centered design.

User Research & Analysis

User Research Plan & Interviewing, Empathy Mapping, Affinity Diagramming, Guerrilla & Usability Testing

Computer Programs & Code

Figma, Miro, InVision, HTML/CSS

Solution Design

Proto/User Persona Creation, Storyboarding and User Journey Mapping, Wireframing & Prototyping, User Flows, Visual Design

Personal Skills

Detail Oriented, Creative, Empathetic, Organized, Collaborative Team Player

Nice to meet you

I'm a user experience designer with a background in landscape architecture.

Amanda Image Golden Gate Bridge

I'm always looking for a new opportunity. Check out my resume and LinkedIn below.